Topic 5 - Lessons learnt and future practice I think the most important thing I take whit me after this ONL learning sessions is that to search on a wider scale to achieve knowledge and to always stay curious on learning. By taking part of this course I met some extra ordinary people from different parts of the world that thought me to not put anyone in a box and to always keep an open mind to what I can learn from them. This even though I have nothing in common whit the person. I also learned how much discussion in a group of quite different people can open me up to new perspectives. I think in the future I will try to find other ways to search for knowledge and I will try to challenge myself when seeking for help or knowledge and choose to go to sources that I might not have chosen before. My mind set when it comes to working whit digital tools or digital solutions I don´t think have changed that much - I always had an interest in exploring ne...
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