1. A clear goal
2. A set agenda
3. Will to learn more
So this is what happen in our PBL group meeting on Tuesday, we used the FISH model to explore a scenario and started to come together as a group on a whole different level. We shared thoughts and experiences about different digital tools. We where able to divided tasks between us and make our goal for this week more clear. My thoughts on this is that if I did this by myself I would have chosen a tool I am familiar whit and now how to use to attack the assignment. In this group I know will look into a tool I am not so familiar whit and also explore presentation tools for our group. That´s exciting and scary at the same time. I think that this ONL will make me have to challenge myself and that I have to step outside my comfort zone hopefully in a good way. The first thing that hit me in this course is that I didnt see myself as somebody who has digitaly litteracy but after participating in the workshops and watching the film on the subject and even reading about it, I somewhat changed my mind a bit. I especially took to a quote from the article presented as a resource for this topic:Digital literacy are those capabilities which fit an individual for living, learning and working in a digital society. This made me feel different about my own skills and knowledge. Cause according to the article the definition of digital literacy is beyond functional IT skills (which I somewhat are lacking) and rather can be described as digital behaviour. So if I have a behaviour that is excited to learn more, take part of new digital methods and so on I can call myself a digital skilled person in some aspects - that thought helped me not feel so nervous about exploring more and being more open to learn more.
Webb suggestion that I explored thanks to this new group:
Teaching Matters blog | The University of Edinburgh
Teaching Connections – Advancing Discussions about Teaching (nus.edu.sg)
Developing digital literacies (2014) JISC guide
Until next time - see ya!
That is a great overview of "digital literacy"! The tech maneuvering in relation to behaviour. Nicely put and shortcut to the concept I will borrow.