Topic 2 Sharing and openness

To be able to get another perspective on learning using digital solutions one most be a bit adventurous and must have a will to learn and even to change perhaps. In this second topic I really enjoyed getting a wider understanding about the word itself. Open - its a word that can hold so many different meanings to different people and situations. I dived right into (after seeing the lecture on ONL by Maha Bali) a google search of her earlier videos online, articles and twitter account. This dive led to finding other links that explored the concept of sharing and why we are so afraid of being open and sharing. Finally my brain had an overload of information and I had to stop cause every different view seemed accurate to me and I had to think it over to find my truth. I do believe that being open is a better way and to share gives a more open society but what I learned is that being open and sharing isn't always best and can sometimes create problems instead of solving them (Cronin, 2017). 

One almost always forget to participate and share thoughts when organizing a new course - why is that? I believe that time is of essence when it comes to being open and sharing. I feel like I don`t have enough time and my profession has so many levels i don`t know on which it would be best to be open and sharing or even if this would be appreciated. Is it insecurity that makes me want to investigate on my own first - so I wont be totally lost ones i ask co-workers for their advice. When you have attended a couple of workshops and didn't have time to prepare according to the way you usually do and realize that you actually learned more this way - I have to stop and evaluate - Why is that? Like Weller (2014) says it has to be up to the individuals to be the agents of action and it has to be us as individuals who opens up for sharing but always whit a critical mind. Its an interesting thought for me to have the nerve to go into something and not being structured and fully prepared, but instead gather information in the workshop, then building an structure and seeking more knowledge. I have never tried that way before but in this settings I felt it worked just fine. To have a goal and a time when task must be done but no structure really to build that way - instead finding out as you go. I don`t think that can be possible for all settings but for some it actually might work better. 

Whimsical Mind Maps 


Cronin, C. (2017). Open education, Open questions. Educause 52 (6)

Weller, M. (2014). The battle for open: How openness won and why it doesn´t feel like victory. Ubiquity Press. DOI:


  1. This read left me with some interesting thoughts. The time perspective on openness - time management as an asset to be part of "open". And the story about learning more if not too well prepared. Would that be that preparation is a bias in the following learning process? Or does a lesser preparation make me be in the moment more - to read and act on the actual situation instead of a plan?! Will need to think more about that...


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